FIRE 🔥 Extension: When a Friend Got Robbed, These Web3 Developers Stepped Up


It happened to one guy and he ended up losing an Ape NFT to dirty crypto thieves. Bad news for him, however, as is often the case in nascent industries, his misfortune ended up fanning the flames of creativity and development, whereby we all get to benefit.

It turns out that this guy's mates happened to be coders and developers, so they came up with a simple Chrome extension to help prevent this sort of malicious activity moving forward.

They call it the FIRE extension 🔥

And it's available for free on Firefox, Brave and Chrome. Giddy-up!

The thing is simple to get a hold of and once installed, you don't have to lift a finger. The only thing you need to do is check the pop-up each time you sign a transaction to ensure that you're getting what you pay for (and nothing else) and that the individual on the other side is acting appropriately (and not taking anything they shouldn't!).

You can even test out the process on the FIRE website by minting a free NFT. Click on the blind cards and see the pop-up reveal to you whether or not you'd be receiving a poo card or a genuine FIRE card if you went ahead with the transaction. Genius! (I did have fun with this one!)

I love a good tale and I love it when smart people do good things to help their friends and end up, by extension (pun intended!), helping the world. Good on you, FIRE team!

Step by step, here's the process:

1.) Download the Fire extension directly from the website.

2.) The Fire extension catches signature requests from your browser, runs a simulation, and shows you the results.

3.) If everything looks good, you sign the transaction using your wallet.


They also have little gifs on their website to show you what it would look like when minting an NFT or buying an asset.

Follow FIRE on Twitter or check out the website and download this nifty safety tool. You're welcome!